Futurepredicting.blogspot.com is a blog about predicting in general. It is also a source of wisdom and personal knowledge. I created this blog because predictions are very important for all of us. Hope is the basis of predictions and not desasters
_____________________________________THE FORUM OF PREDICTING________________________________________
_________________________Mayan Calendar__Sign of The End__Welcome to Evolution 2012_________________________
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Three events which never happened before in the History of the Middle East and the world will take place and they will trigger the END.
The political, social and military changes that are occurring in the Middle East are daily news and creating previsions for the region:
- Syria,Lebanon,Jordan,Israel,Iraq,the gulf will be divided.
- The Palestinian State will be recognized.
- Jordan, Israel, Lebanon will make a deal concerning the Palestinian diaspora
- A little time of prosperity will be instated.
- A completely new political, social and global phenomenon will take place in Jerusalem and try to reign over the whole world with a new technique.
- A big wave or sea rise will completely destroy the coasts of the Mediterranean.
What the people of the Middle East and the World can do?
All we need to know is the fact that something unbelievable will certainly happen in the Middle East that will trigger something world wide.
There is not a person on earth who knows the exact time for these events to occur.
All we can do is watch for the signs.
Is it for good or bad?
What will happen will happen and nothing can stop it.
Some will say it was written in the Scriptures
Some will say it is the End of the world
Some will say it is only the beginning of The end.
Though these signs could be thought of as common news, the impact of their results and the chronology and timing of their occurrence are the best evidence of their credibility to MARK THE SEALS OF THE THE END
These events which never happened before in the History of the Middle East are resumed to three and they will sooner or later, take place .
1-A World wide power,ruler, person or international law will try to take over the Middle East with a new single revolutionary technique.
2-A small period of sudden peace and prosperity will occur over the Middle East
3-A big sea wave will wipe out the Middle East coast and specially everything from Saida to Ghaza
These events will be the sure SIGNS of the END
Saturday, February 16, 2013
1- The 9 End of Time, Political Divisions and Natural disasters of the Mediterranean
1- The international borders of the present nations in the Middle East will be redefined. This territory, will be divided into smaller states, then the world powers will take the lead.2- The world will not allow any country to assume complete political control over the present Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and the present Palestinian Authority or Israel.
3- When a political division of ten national states is realized , a period of peace and prosperity will develop for the region that will make it the envy of the world.
4- This will be the last period before "end of time set".
5- Damascus and its environment plays an important part in commencing the End-Time Set events.
"And Damascus shall be a resting place for Him , for on Yahweh shall be the eye of humanity, and all of the Tribes of Israel." Zecharaiah 9:1. Damascus will be set again like, when it happened to Paul time in the past, a Key place to World Wide series of events.
6- The first event ushering in the "End of Time Set" will be a massive tsunami with a waves hitting the Mediterranean seacoast with probably a height of 60 meters (maybe even higher). Massive destruction on the seacoast will result
7- When the world see on television the devastation in this area of the world, they will be astonished and They will hear the prophecy in Zechariah 9 to 14 that God is now entering into world affairs.
8- People all over the world will be religious (Zechariah 10:2) just like the Greek emperors did in the 700’s A.D. when a catastrophe occurred.
9- All the world WILL recognize Damascus as the center of the End of Time Set events
Friday, February 15, 2013

This is a post in progreess and is not finished yet
"The proof that prophecies can be true is seeing the fulfillment of various prophecies that were written down or spoken. This is what Jesus spoke about and fulfilled when he was on earth : he fullfield the prophecies of the Old Testament that were written by prophets and predictors thousand and hundred of years before His birth (Isa. 8:20; Mt. 5:17-18; Lk. 24:44-46).
In fact, no major event occurred on earth that God did not reveal to mankind in advance. "
"The proof that prophecies can be true is seeing the fulfillment of various prophecies that were written down or spoken. This is what Jesus spoke about and fulfilled when he was on earth : he fullfield the prophecies of the Old Testament that were written by prophets and predictors thousand and hundred of years before His birth (Isa. 8:20; Mt. 5:17-18; Lk. 24:44-46).
In fact, no major event occurred on earth that God did not reveal to mankind in advance. "
The first prophecy for the future of the church was made by Jesus himself:
And Jesus answered and said unto [Peter]:" You are the rock and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:17-18).
The massive rock foundation on which Christ would build His Church was Peter’s great confession of Jesus as the Creator and the Son of the living God. Peter (representing the twelve and, indeed, all who would make the same confession) would be living stones in the church built on the foundation of such confession (I Peter 2:5; Ephesians 2:19-22).
Apostols and believers made prophecies through the gifts of the Holly Spirit :
In 1 Corinthians chapter 12:
5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.
6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.
7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.
8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;
10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.
12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.
I must warn Christians not to treat these predictions as equal to the Bible. The Holy Bible is the solid source for all future prophecies. While these predictions are interesting and could possibly be true, they are in no way equal to Scripture.
The Prophecies of the Nun of Dresden, under the original Italian title of Le profezie della monaca di Dresda, is an essay by Renzo Baschera, who analyzes several manuscripts, found at the beginning of the 19th Century, containing some of the prophecies about the last Popes, the great European dynasties, technological progress, several disasters and the end of time, through a period of time from the end of the 17th Century to the end of the 30th Century.
Concerning the prophecy of Maladach:
Born -1094 at Armagh, Ireland. Died November 2, 1148 at Clairvaux
One of Malachy's great claims to popular fame was his gift of prophesy. While in Rome in 1139 he received a vision showing him all the Popes from his day to the end of time. He wrote poetic descriptions of each of the pontiffs, presented the manuscript to Pope Innocent II - and it was forgotten until 1590. It has been in print - and hotly debated, both authenticity and correctness - ever since. According to these prophecies, there are only two Popes remaining after John Paul II.
St. Malachy was reported to have possessed the powers of levitation, healing, and clairvoyance. While on his way to the Vatican to assume the post of papal legate for Ireland, he fell into trance and saw a line of papal reigns stretching from the successor to Innocent II and extending through centuries to the last of the line, identified as Peter of Rome. Malachy assigned short descriptions in Latin to each pope when he committed his vision to paper. These mottoes usually refer to a family name, birthplace, coat-of-arms, or office held before election to the papacy. Some of the phrases are multiple prophecies, written with ingenious word play. For example, Pius II, who reigned for only 26 days in 1503, was aptly described as "De Parvo Homine" (from a little man). His family name was Piccolomini, Italian for "little man."
Sometimes the personal history of the pope plays a part in the motto given by Malachy. Clement XIII (1758-69), who had conenctions with the government of the Italian state of Umbria and whose emblem was a rose, was called by Malachy Rosa Umbriae, the "Rose of Umbria."
The passage of time has proved doubters of St. Malachy wrong, for his prophecies have turned out to be amazingly accurate. He even prophesied the precise date of his own death, and got it right. The prophecies concern the papacy, starting with Pope Celestine II in 1143. In all, 112 popes and their characteristics are listed from 1143 to the "end of the world."
Many television ministers have stated that, according to Malachy’s prediction, the 111 th Pope is called the “Glory of the Olive.” Most ministers say that after this Pope, there will be a final Pope called “Peter the Roman,” who will engage evil and as some suggest, battle the Antichrist. When one researched the prediction, there is no mention of Peter the Roman in the original Malachy prophecy. This Pope was somehow added when a book by Nelson publishers was printed in the late 1800s of the Saint’s predictions. This would mean that Pope Benedict, the 111 th, would be listed as the final Pope, perhaps before the great time of evil comes to the earth.
Another interesting feature is that, according to an oral tradition, Saint Benedict predicted that before the rise of the Antichrist a Pope would come from his order, known as the Benedictine order. Oddly enough, the Benedictine order has the motto, “The Olivetans.” When Ratzinger was elected and took on the name Benedict, I knew there was a cryptic allusion to the prediction of Benedict and a slight link to the Malachy prophecies.
Malachy's Prophecies - The Last 10 Popes
1. The Burning Fire. PIUS X. 1903-1914. This Pope showed a burning passion for spiritual renewal in the Church.
2. Religion Laid Waste. BENEDICT XV. 1914-1922. During this Pope's reign saw Communism move into Russia where religious life was laid waste, and World War I with the death of millions of Christians who were carnage in Flanders Field and elsewhere.
3. Unshaken Faith. PIUS XI. 1922-1939. This Pope faced tremendous pressure from fascist and sinister powers in Germany and Italy, but he was an outspoken critic of Communism and Fascism which enraged Hitler.
4. An Angelic Shepherd. PIUS XII. 1939-1958. This Pope had an affinity for the spiritual world and received visions which have not been made public. Peter Bander says Pius XII "has emerged as one of the great Popes of all time," and he "was in the truest sense of the word an Angelic Pastor to the flock..."
5. Pastor and Mariner. JOHN XXIII. 1958-1963. John was a pastor to the world, much beloved, and the Patriarch of Venice. The connection to "mariner" is thus remarkable.
6. Flower of Flowers. PAUL VI. 1963-1978. Paul's coat-of-arms depicts three fleurs-de-lis, corresponding to Malachay's prophecy. His coat of arms included three fleurs-de-lis (iris blossoms).
7. Of the Half Moon. JOHN PAUL I. 1978-1978. John Paul I was elected Pope on August 26, 1978, when there was a half moon. He reigned 33 days, that is, about one month, when he died, although many think he was murdered. He was the 109th Pope - is "De Medietate Lunae" (Of the Half Moon). The corresponding pope was John Paul I (1978-78), who was born in the diocese of Belluno (beautiful moon) and was baptized Albino Luciani (white light). He became pope on August 26, 1978, when the moon appeared exactly half full. It was in its waning phase. He died the following month, soon after an eclipse of the moon.
8. The Labor of the Son. JOHN PAUL II. 1978-2005. Pope John Paul II was the most traveled Pope in history. He circled the globe numerous times, preaching to huge audiences everywhere he went. He survived an assassination attempt. He has written a book which has enjoyed a large circulation. Like the sun which never ceases to labor and provides light daily, this Pope has been incessant. He was born on May 18, 1920. On that date in the morning there was a near total eclipse of the sun over Europe. Prophecy - The 110th Pope is "De Labore Solis" (Of the Solar Eclipse, or, From the Toil of the Sun). Like the sun he came out of the East (Poland).
9. The Glory of the Olive. The Order of St. Benedict has said this Pope will come from their order. It is interesting that Jesus gave his apocalyptic prophecy about the end of time from the Mount of Olives. This Pope will reign during the beginning of the tribulation Jesus spoke of. The 111th prophesy is "Gloria Olivae" (The Glory of the Olive). The Order of Saint Benedict has claimed that this pope will come from their ranks. Saint Benedict himself prophesied that before the end of the world his Order, known also as the Olivetans, will triumphantly lead the Catholic Church in its fight against evil.
10. PETER THE ROMAN - This final Pope will likely be Satan, taking the form of a man named Peter who will gain a worldwide allegiance and adoration. He will be the final antichrist which prophecy students have long foretold. If it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived. The 112th prophesy states: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End."
Malachy's final words, "Rome, the seat of the Vatican, will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people."
Here is the interpretation of the prophecies concerning Popes since 1836
The first prophecy concerning the future of the church was made by Jesus himself:
The first prophecy concerning the future of the church was made by Jesus himself:
The "Prophecies" of Saint Malachy
— (This article is presented as a matter of record and interest only, and NOT as fact) —
most famous and best known prophecies about the popes are those attributed to
St. Malachy, a medieval Irish priest and Kabbalist. In 1139 he went to Rome to
give an account of the affairs of his diocese to the pope, Innocent II, who
promised him two palliums for the metropolitan Sees of Armagh and Cashel.
While at Rome, he received (according to the Abbot Cucherat) the strange
vision of the future wherein was unfolded before his mind the long list of
illustrious pontiffs who were to rule the Church until the end of time. The
same author tells us that St. Malachy gave his manuscript to Innocent II to
console him in the midst of his tribulations, and that the document remained
unknown in the Roman Archives until its discovery in 1590 (Cucherat, "Proph.
de la succession des papes", ch. xv). They were first published by Arnold de
Wyon, and ever since there has been much discussion as to whether they are
genuine predictions of St. Malachy or forgeries. The silence of 400 years on
the part of so many learned authors who had written about the popes, and the
silence of St. Bernard especially, who wrote the "Life of St. Malachy", is a
strong argument against their authenticity, but it is not conclusive if we
adopt Cucherat's theory that they were hidden in the Archives during those 400
These short prophetical announcements, in number 112, indicate some noticeable trait of all future popes from Celestine II, who was elected in the year 1130, until the end of the world. They are enunciated under mystical titles. Those who have undertaken to interpret and explain these symbolical prophecies have succeeded in discovering some trait, allusion, point, or similitude in their application to the individual popes, either as to their country, their name, their coat of arms or insignia, their birth-place, their talent or learning, the title of their cardinalate, the dignities which they held etc. For example, the prophecy concerning Urban VIII is Lilium et Rosa (the lily and the rose); he was a native of Florence and on the arms of Florence figured a fleur-de-lis; he had three bees emblazoned on his escutcheon, and the bees gather honey from the lilies and roses. Again, the name accords often with some remarkable and rare circumstance in the pope's career; thus Peregrinus apostolicus (pilgrim pope), which designates Pius VI, appears to be verified by his journey when pope into Germany, by his long career as pope, and by his expatriation from Rome at the end of his pontificate. Those who have lived and followed the course of events in an intelligent manner during the pontificates of Pius IX, Leo XIII, and Pius X cannot fail to be impressed with the titles given to each by the prophecies of St. Malachy and their wonderful appropriateness: Crux de Cruce (Cross from a Cross) Pius IX; Lumen in caelo (Light in the Sky) Leo XIII; Ignis ardens (Burning Fire) Pius X. There is something more than coincidence in the designations given to these three popes so many hundred years before their time. We need not have recourse either to the family names, armorial bearings or cardinalatial titles, to see the fitness of their designations as given in the prophecies. The afflictions and crosses of Pius IX were more than fell to the lot of his predecessors; and the more aggravating of these crosses were brought on by the House of Savoy whose emblem was a cross. Leo XIII was a veritable luminary of the papacy. The present pope is truly a burning fire of zeal for the restoration of all things to Christ.
The last of these prophecies concerns the end of the world and is as follows: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven- hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End." It has been noticed concerning Petrus Romanus, who according to St. Malachy's list is to be the last pope, that the prophecy does not say that no popes will intervene between him and his predecessor designated Gloria olivoe. It merely says that he is to be the last, so that we may suppose as many popes as we please before "Peter the Roman". Cornelius a Lapide refers to this prophecy in his commentary "On the Gospel of St. John" (C. xvi) and "On the Apocalypse" (cc. xvii-xx), and he endeavours to calculate according to it the remaining years of time (Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913).
These short prophetical announcements, in number 112, indicate some noticeable trait of all future popes from Celestine II, who was elected in the year 1130, until the end of the world. They are enunciated under mystical titles. Those who have undertaken to interpret and explain these symbolical prophecies have succeeded in discovering some trait, allusion, point, or similitude in their application to the individual popes, either as to their country, their name, their coat of arms or insignia, their birth-place, their talent or learning, the title of their cardinalate, the dignities which they held etc. For example, the prophecy concerning Urban VIII is Lilium et Rosa (the lily and the rose); he was a native of Florence and on the arms of Florence figured a fleur-de-lis; he had three bees emblazoned on his escutcheon, and the bees gather honey from the lilies and roses. Again, the name accords often with some remarkable and rare circumstance in the pope's career; thus Peregrinus apostolicus (pilgrim pope), which designates Pius VI, appears to be verified by his journey when pope into Germany, by his long career as pope, and by his expatriation from Rome at the end of his pontificate. Those who have lived and followed the course of events in an intelligent manner during the pontificates of Pius IX, Leo XIII, and Pius X cannot fail to be impressed with the titles given to each by the prophecies of St. Malachy and their wonderful appropriateness: Crux de Cruce (Cross from a Cross) Pius IX; Lumen in caelo (Light in the Sky) Leo XIII; Ignis ardens (Burning Fire) Pius X. There is something more than coincidence in the designations given to these three popes so many hundred years before their time. We need not have recourse either to the family names, armorial bearings or cardinalatial titles, to see the fitness of their designations as given in the prophecies. The afflictions and crosses of Pius IX were more than fell to the lot of his predecessors; and the more aggravating of these crosses were brought on by the House of Savoy whose emblem was a cross. Leo XIII was a veritable luminary of the papacy. The present pope is truly a burning fire of zeal for the restoration of all things to Christ.
The last of these prophecies concerns the end of the world and is as follows: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven- hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End." It has been noticed concerning Petrus Romanus, who according to St. Malachy's list is to be the last pope, that the prophecy does not say that no popes will intervene between him and his predecessor designated Gloria olivoe. It merely says that he is to be the last, so that we may suppose as many popes as we please before "Peter the Roman". Cornelius a Lapide refers to this prophecy in his commentary "On the Gospel of St. John" (C. xvi) and "On the Apocalypse" (cc. xvii-xx), and he endeavours to calculate according to it the remaining years of time (Catholic Encyclopedia, 1913).
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
BUT WE WILLThe rise of the white man will truss
By unknown velure blunderbuss
Man will be from the east a kirk
The sign of the gore latticework
Humans a new breed will see the chess
Of underbid nevertheless
Kill the unity no one will sprite
Is misanthrope electrolyte
Wise man so it coming the cope
The past era weep cantaloupe
Coming of a new down the breach
The faithfuls will avouchers each
Will show it's powers the sun bus
Rise as usual many kitchen bus
Will come true and astringency
Will not stay scrapbook adjacency
From the depth of the ocean the cat eye will outright
Sea and the land everything fulltime canaanite
Sun will be one name the name of the satin
Goods humans will kill in the name of scarred satin
One will stop the battles between the giants the judge
The world will be divided no true bass misjudge
Seeking peace the third war will last some striding
The frise of new natioins new faiths juice sliding
On top of the hill the charmed
Will reveal it's turncoat warmed
Followers will swear a new feign
Rise from the old the fete butane
Of humans will polemic
Forehead of twinning cosmic
Nonsense with the help snuff
Star and the head the white fluff
Will take his part darkness fool
East and the west the meek pool
The world will never lurk
We will the dung berserk
The white man will relax
Velure wheelwright relax
Be from the east a spray
Of the gore sup defray
New breed will see the burr
cuneiform confer
Unity no one chard
Misanthrope nudge bombard
So it coming the pond
Era weep raze abscond
A new down the propping
Will potpourri ablating
Show it's powers the teen
As sewer fluorine
Kitchen bus will come name
Astringency will fit same
Scrapbook adjacency swung
Depth of the windstorm slung
Cat eye will outright sea seer
Land conveyancer freer
The rise of the white man will be stopped by unknown force
The following Man will be from the East - South
This is the sign of the Metamorphosis of humans
A new breed will see the light
The wars of succession will kill the unity
No one will understand what is happening
But the Wise Man so it coming
The end of the past era and the coming of a new down
The throne of the faithfuls will suffer
The needle will show it's powers
The sun will not rise as usual
Many ancient Codes will come true and followed
The towers will not stay still
The following Man will be from the East - South
This is the sign of the Metamorphosis of humans
A new breed will see the light
The wars of succession will kill the unity
No one will understand what is happening
But the Wise Man so it coming
The end of the past era and the coming of a new down
The throne of the faithfuls will suffer
The needle will show it's powers
The sun will not rise as usual
Many ancient Codes will come true and followed
The towers will not stay still
From the depth of the ocean the Cat Eye
Will conquer the sea and the land
Everything under the sun will be one name
The name of the Maker of Goods
Humans will kill in the name of the maker
No one will stop the battles between the giants
The rest of the world will be divided
No true side is seeking peace
The Third War will last some days
After that the frise of new natioins
New faiths, new humans, new techniques,new Knowledge
Mankind will leave forever
Will conquer the sea and the land
Everything under the sun will be one name
The name of the Maker of Goods
Humans will kill in the name of the maker
No one will stop the battles between the giants
The rest of the world will be divided
No true side is seeking peace
The Third War will last some days
After that the frise of new natioins
New faiths, new humans, new techniques,new Knowledge
Mankind will leave forever
The name from 500 hundred years will become live
In the lands of the scriptures one old faith follower will turn new
The little man of god faith will destroy the sacred
Symbols will be shattered Shrines will crumble
The Cedars will tremble again
The wars of faith will destroy the cities
Blood will be flowing again
Few will escape the fire
Two Foreign armies in the land of Saul
The end will be disaster
The preparations for the Third War
Everything will be contaminated
In the lands of the scriptures one old faith follower will turn new
The little man of god faith will destroy the sacred
Symbols will be shattered Shrines will crumble
The Cedars will tremble again
The wars of faith will destroy the cities
Blood will be flowing again
Few will escape the fire
Two Foreign armies in the land of Saul
The end will be disaster
The preparations for the Third War
Everything will be contaminated
Third War,
World War
On top of the hill
The hiding faith will reveal it's truthfulness
By him followers will swear
A new world will rise from the old
The third wrath of humans will prevail
The third forehead of mankind
the third nonsense
With the help of the star and the head
the old Man will take his part
Darkness on the east and the west
The chip will control the race
The hiding faith will reveal it's truthfulness
By him followers will swear
A new world will rise from the old
The third wrath of humans will prevail
The third forehead of mankind
the third nonsense
With the help of the star and the head
the old Man will take his part
Darkness on the east and the west
The chip will control the race
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Nostradamus, Mabus, 3rd Antichrist?
December 6, 2012. Beijing. US Naval Secretary Ray Mabus was in Beijing last week meeting with his counterparts in the Communist Chinese Military. The other interesting and related item is that the famed future seer Nostradamus gave us the name of the 3rd and final anti-Christ, and his name is Mabus. With reported discussions touching on the two nations jointly ruling the world, Nostradamus’ quatrain comes to mind.
US Navy Sec. Ray Mabus meets Chinese military leaders last week in Beijing. Image courtesy of Reuters.
timing of last week’s US-Chinese military meeting, the subject matter,
current world events and the individuals involved, all leave readers
with more questions than answers after this event in Beijing, China. And
that’s before we even bring Nostradamus into the subject.
US and China ruling the world
The scant media reports detailing the US-China meeting of military commanders last week makes it difficult to discern what, if anything, came about because of the meeting. Taking a step back, it’s even difficult to understand what the purpose of the meeting was – other than to be shocked by China’s confident insistence that the two nations will jointly rule the world soon.
As described by accounts from Reuters, China just ushered in a new generation of Communist Party Leaders this month. And while the previous position of the Chinese military was to slowly build up and expand in its control locally and regionally, the new party leaders appear to be boisterously informing America that China will rule one half of the world while the US can rule the other.
“The Chinese military must develop, but there’s no worry or fear as the outside world says,” Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie told US Naval Secretary Ray Mabus during the meeting, “That’s not what China is about.” Guanglie also discussed China’s recent land grabs in the South and East China Seas and what he called President Obama’s “pivot” to Asia. He insisted the US should ‘not get involved’.
Continuing to portray the Chinese and US as partners in the Communist nation’s military expansion, Guanglie insisted, “We should develop ties between us, between our two militaries, touch on some of our differences, resolve conflicting views.” The Chinese Defense Minister went on to suggest the two superpowers grow together into the coming realignment of global military powers. “We should push forward the development of our two powers and push forward the development of a new China-US military relationship,” he continued, “Our two countries are very important.”
US Navy Secretary Ray MabuS
So, is Naval Secretary Mabus the Anti-Christ? The site
PearlsOfNostradamus.com says no. Other sites say yes, while still others
say maybe. But who exactly is Ray Mabus?
According to the US Navy website, ‘Ray Mabus is the 75th United States Secretary of the Navy. As Secretary, he leads America’s Navy and Marine Corps and is responsible for an annual budget in excess of $150 billion and almost 900,000 people.’ This one US official controls an army that is one and a half times the size of China’s entire annual military budget.
The site goes on to detail Ray Mabus’ biography saying, ‘Prior to joining the administration of President Barack Obama, Mabus served in a variety of top posts in government and the private sector. In 1987, Mabus was elected Governor of Mississippi. As the youngest governor of Mississippi in more than 100 years at the time of his election, he stressed education and job creation.’
It continues, ‘He was appointed Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the Clinton Administration in 1994. During his tenure as Ambassador, a crisis with Iraq was successfully averted and Saudi Arabia officially abandoned the boycott of United States businesses that trade with Israel.’
Seemingly able to accomplish anything he sets his mind to, the US Navy concludes its biography saying, ‘Secretary Mabus is a native of Ackerman, Mississippi, and received a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Mississippi, a Master’s Degree from Johns Hopkins University, and a Law Degree from Harvard Law School. He has been awarded the US Department of Defense Distinguished Public Service Award, the US Army’s distinguished Civilian Service Award, the Martin Luther King Social Responsibility Award from the King Center in Atlanta, the National Wildlife Federation Conservation Achievement Award, the King Abdul Aziz Award from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Mississippi Association of Educators’ Friend of Education Award.’
So, is US Navy Secretary Mabus the same Mabus Nostradamus called the third Anti-Christ? Only Nostradamus and Ray Mabus know for sure. One thing is for certain however, there are thousands of Nostradamus experts working tirelessly to solve that riddle. And while most people will say the whole idea is crazy, others will concede that it’s fairly strange that a man with the same unique name as Nostradamus’ third Anti-Christ should spend his career rising to the position of controlling the largest military on EarRTH
US and China ruling the world
The scant media reports detailing the US-China meeting of military commanders last week makes it difficult to discern what, if anything, came about because of the meeting. Taking a step back, it’s even difficult to understand what the purpose of the meeting was – other than to be shocked by China’s confident insistence that the two nations will jointly rule the world soon.
As described by accounts from Reuters, China just ushered in a new generation of Communist Party Leaders this month. And while the previous position of the Chinese military was to slowly build up and expand in its control locally and regionally, the new party leaders appear to be boisterously informing America that China will rule one half of the world while the US can rule the other.
“The Chinese military must develop, but there’s no worry or fear as the outside world says,” Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie told US Naval Secretary Ray Mabus during the meeting, “That’s not what China is about.” Guanglie also discussed China’s recent land grabs in the South and East China Seas and what he called President Obama’s “pivot” to Asia. He insisted the US should ‘not get involved’.
Continuing to portray the Chinese and US as partners in the Communist nation’s military expansion, Guanglie insisted, “We should develop ties between us, between our two militaries, touch on some of our differences, resolve conflicting views.” The Chinese Defense Minister went on to suggest the two superpowers grow together into the coming realignment of global military powers. “We should push forward the development of our two powers and push forward the development of a new China-US military relationship,” he continued, “Our two countries are very important.”
According to the US Navy website, ‘Ray Mabus is the 75th United States Secretary of the Navy. As Secretary, he leads America’s Navy and Marine Corps and is responsible for an annual budget in excess of $150 billion and almost 900,000 people.’ This one US official controls an army that is one and a half times the size of China’s entire annual military budget.
The site goes on to detail Ray Mabus’ biography saying, ‘Prior to joining the administration of President Barack Obama, Mabus served in a variety of top posts in government and the private sector. In 1987, Mabus was elected Governor of Mississippi. As the youngest governor of Mississippi in more than 100 years at the time of his election, he stressed education and job creation.’
It continues, ‘He was appointed Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the Clinton Administration in 1994. During his tenure as Ambassador, a crisis with Iraq was successfully averted and Saudi Arabia officially abandoned the boycott of United States businesses that trade with Israel.’
Seemingly able to accomplish anything he sets his mind to, the US Navy concludes its biography saying, ‘Secretary Mabus is a native of Ackerman, Mississippi, and received a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Mississippi, a Master’s Degree from Johns Hopkins University, and a Law Degree from Harvard Law School. He has been awarded the US Department of Defense Distinguished Public Service Award, the US Army’s distinguished Civilian Service Award, the Martin Luther King Social Responsibility Award from the King Center in Atlanta, the National Wildlife Federation Conservation Achievement Award, the King Abdul Aziz Award from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the Mississippi Association of Educators’ Friend of Education Award.’
So, is US Navy Secretary Mabus the same Mabus Nostradamus called the third Anti-Christ? Only Nostradamus and Ray Mabus know for sure. One thing is for certain however, there are thousands of Nostradamus experts working tirelessly to solve that riddle. And while most people will say the whole idea is crazy, others will concede that it’s fairly strange that a man with the same unique name as Nostradamus’ third Anti-Christ should spend his career rising to the position of controlling the largest military on EarRTH
Nostradamus, the greatest prophet of the last 500 years not only knows who the Antichrist is but also who “they” are. It was such a dangerous secret that he hid their true names in a code.
His name encoded is “Napoleon King”
An Emperor will be born near Italy, He will cost his Empire very dearly: He is less a prince than a butcher- HITLER HIƒTER = HITLER
World War III begins when Mabus dies a sudden death.
Nostradamus, the greatest prophet of the last 500 years not only knows who the Antichrist is but also who “they” are. It was such a dangerous secret that he hid their true names in a code.
![]() In september 1917, three young shepherd children--Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco in a series of apparitions at Fatima, Portugal from May to October 1917, received three revelations from St. Mary. She appeared unto them in the fields outside of their village Fatima. The last time when they said they were going to see a vision of Mary, many thousands of people followed them, wanting to witness the vision. Only the 3 children saw Maria, nobody else, but a strange phenomenon occurred, in that the sun actually started "dancing" in the sky and it "rained" flowers! This phenomena is known as the "miracle of the sun." The children also received visions about how and when they would die, which was fulfilled in the case of two of them, as the last of them, Lucia, died December 1999. All of the Popes since the Fatima Miracle have recognized the Message as authentic.
John Paul II saying at Fatima in
1982 that "the Message of Fatima imposes an obligation on the Church."
Many miraculous cures have taken place since, which science cannot explain by natural means, not just on October 13, 1917, at the time of the Miracle of the Sun, but down through the years until the present day. This also, claims the Catholic Church, authenticates the Fatima Message as coming from God. The Message of Fatima accurately predicted in 1917 all of the following events which came to pass: (1) The end of World War I in 1918; (2) The emergence of Russia as a world power raising up wars and persecutions against the Church"; (3) The election of a Pope who would be named Pius XI; (4) The waging of a second World War following (5) A strange light in the night sky. (Atomic bomb) The Message of Fatima also predicted that if the request of Mary at Fatima is not honored, "many souls will be lost", "the Holy Father will have much to suffer", "there will be further wars and persecutions of the Church" and "various nations will be annihilated."
The prediction concerning Russia is not fulfilled yet
The "request of Mary" is purported to be that the
Catholic Church's leader the Pope
In the presence of all the bishops,
he would publicly "consecrate Russia unto God, by name." This would then
result in "the salvation of many souls and help Russia turn to Christianity",
and thus avert some of the doom and give an era of peace! Although the
Church did enact a consecration, Fatima Catholics feel, it has not done
so specifically "naming Russia!" Probably for political reasons.
THE LAST "SECRET" PREDICTION This is why many believe that the last SECRET prediction will be fulfilled as well! The only problem is that it has been kept secret for over 80 years! Lucia, the only surviving one of the three children, gave the Vatican a sealed letter containing the third prediction. This last prediction is purported to be about the end of the (Catholic?) Church, This being the reason WHY the revelation has been kept secret in Roman Catholic Church archives, as Catholics interpret it to mean the end . the Bible predicts and indicates that the Endtime will bring an end of everything Although the Vatican recently claims to have "revealed it", prediction followers believe that the Vatican is holding back the truth. Church officials have leaked, that it has to do with "the last Pope" and in connection with the rise of the Anti-Christ! |
The Third Secret of Fatima that was declared to Lucia and the 2 other children
It is a vision of the death of the Pope and other religious figures, and was transcribed by the Bishop of Leiria :
At the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword.
Flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire;
But they died out in contact with the splendor that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand:
Pointing to the earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: ‘Penance, Penance, Penance!’
And we saw in an immense light that is God:
Something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it
A Bishop dressed in White ‘we had the impression that it was the Holy Father’.
Other Bishops, Priests, Religious men and women going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark;
Before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow.
He prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, Religious men and women, and various lay people of different ranks and positions.
Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
End of the world really happened!
It's a believe
a kind of religion
If people think that their personal life
is somehow the whole world
Then the end of the world as they knew before
could have ended 20/12/2012
And a new world for them
will begin in 2013
Everyone should go back one month and see
What was happening to him before
And how it changed
The Mayans believed in the end of the world
as a religion
They structured their lives on this calendar
So if you believe deep inside that
the end of the world happened
then surely something extraordinary happened to you
last month, as it happened to me
I invite you to go to:
and leave a message there.
As for natural disasters,the same Mayan calender predicted Natural disasters
far more powerful then the world have ever seen:
The number of people is increasing, therefore the possibilities of human driven disasters are increasing too, in turn triggering natural disasters.
So natural disasters will happen this year 2013 as follow:
- Huge storms and fierce thunders in cities that never saw this before
- High towers will fall
- Huge waves
- Higher temperatures even in winter
- Huge killing hail
As for the weather in general it will become tropical like weather
It's a believe
a kind of religion
If people think that their personal life
is somehow the whole world
Then the end of the world as they knew before
could have ended 20/12/2012
And a new world for them
will begin in 2013
Everyone should go back one month and see
What was happening to him before
And how it changed
The Mayans believed in the end of the world
as a religion
They structured their lives on this calendar
So if you believe deep inside that
the end of the world happened
then surely something extraordinary happened to you
last month, as it happened to me
I invite you to go to:
and leave a message there.
As for natural disasters,the same Mayan calender predicted Natural disasters
far more powerful then the world have ever seen:
The number of people is increasing, therefore the possibilities of human driven disasters are increasing too, in turn triggering natural disasters.
So natural disasters will happen this year 2013 as follow:
- Huge storms and fierce thunders in cities that never saw this before
- High towers will fall
- Huge waves
- Higher temperatures even in winter
- Huge killing hail
As for the weather in general it will become tropical like weather
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