![]() In september 1917, three young shepherd children--Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco in a series of apparitions at Fatima, Portugal from May to October 1917, received three revelations from St. Mary. She appeared unto them in the fields outside of their village Fatima. The last time when they said they were going to see a vision of Mary, many thousands of people followed them, wanting to witness the vision. Only the 3 children saw Maria, nobody else, but a strange phenomenon occurred, in that the sun actually started "dancing" in the sky and it "rained" flowers! This phenomena is known as the "miracle of the sun." The children also received visions about how and when they would die, which was fulfilled in the case of two of them, as the last of them, Lucia, died December 1999. All of the Popes since the Fatima Miracle have recognized the Message as authentic.
John Paul II saying at Fatima in
1982 that "the Message of Fatima imposes an obligation on the Church."
Many miraculous cures have taken place since, which science cannot explain by natural means, not just on October 13, 1917, at the time of the Miracle of the Sun, but down through the years until the present day. This also, claims the Catholic Church, authenticates the Fatima Message as coming from God. The Message of Fatima accurately predicted in 1917 all of the following events which came to pass: (1) The end of World War I in 1918; (2) The emergence of Russia as a world power raising up wars and persecutions against the Church"; (3) The election of a Pope who would be named Pius XI; (4) The waging of a second World War following (5) A strange light in the night sky. (Atomic bomb) The Message of Fatima also predicted that if the request of Mary at Fatima is not honored, "many souls will be lost", "the Holy Father will have much to suffer", "there will be further wars and persecutions of the Church" and "various nations will be annihilated."
The prediction concerning Russia is not fulfilled yet
The "request of Mary" is purported to be that the
Catholic Church's leader the Pope
In the presence of all the bishops,
he would publicly "consecrate Russia unto God, by name." This would then
result in "the salvation of many souls and help Russia turn to Christianity",
and thus avert some of the doom and give an era of peace! Although the
Church did enact a consecration, Fatima Catholics feel, it has not done
so specifically "naming Russia!" Probably for political reasons.
THE LAST "SECRET" PREDICTION This is why many believe that the last SECRET prediction will be fulfilled as well! The only problem is that it has been kept secret for over 80 years! Lucia, the only surviving one of the three children, gave the Vatican a sealed letter containing the third prediction. This last prediction is purported to be about the end of the (Catholic?) Church, This being the reason WHY the revelation has been kept secret in Roman Catholic Church archives, as Catholics interpret it to mean the end . the Bible predicts and indicates that the Endtime will bring an end of everything Although the Vatican recently claims to have "revealed it", prediction followers believe that the Vatican is holding back the truth. Church officials have leaked, that it has to do with "the last Pope" and in connection with the rise of the Anti-Christ! |
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