_____________________________________THE FORUM OF PREDICTING________________________________________
_________________________Mayan Calendar__Sign of The End__Welcome to Evolution 2012_________________________

Tuesday, February 14, 2012



Long ago, I predicted things that will happen in science, in politics, in health, in daily life.
My interest in the "Unknown", begun with my interest in Philosophy, Probability, card playing techniques, Science, and Hidden world.

My Night Dreams and Visions are far from normal.

The 9 sure things I have predicted and wrote down on my Agenda are happening now or have been happening since 1990.
It was 1975 when I started  my predictions or what I called then The Future Happenings.

Here are my early predictions:

- There will be time when Photos hanging on the wall will move .
- There will be a sport that every one will practice on the sound of music ( I begun making workout on music in my early age)
- There will be an endless war in the Middle East.
- There will be a black man president in one or more of the western contries.
- There will be Wrist electronics for everything
- There will be a change in the whole world and it will never be the same again
- There will be a new glacial age
- there will be a new sort of human gathering, a new civilization .And I begun the preparation for CIVCA  Civilisations International Vision for Communion Amelioration .
- There will be a wider understanding for food and it's relation with diseases, which will lead to a new way in life the bio-life, worldwide.
These 9 predictions are the basis of our modern world since 1990
 As I made them long time ago, and proven to be occurring through out the years, I will reveal 9 new predictions for the years to come, I wrote during these 5 years.


- Earth will not be the same again.
- Small countries will be covered with concrete
- Overpopulation will bring the end of many sites.
- Science has done it's job, and will rest.
- A new way of Knowledge will immerge.
- A big religion will invade Europe.
- Many western contries will cease to be religious and a new civilization will be revealed.
- Anew kind of war will be declared.
- What was created till now is the last of the last, new things will only be copies and technical perfections.

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